Become a Member

Becoming a member of Providence Players of Fairfax is easy!  Just join online.  Membership is $25 for individuals and $60 for families (3 or more people, and includes the entire family)

Membership has benefits and includes the opportunity to use your skills and abilities to:

Gerry Connolly in “The Laramie Project”

  • Audition for plays
  • Work on productions: set, set decoration, costumes, lighting, sound, props, design work
  • Work on production support: marketing, advertising, community outreach, community partnerships
  • Members will be offered opportunities to participate in workshops scheduled during the year (a new offering in 2019, and the schedule is already coming together).
  • Invitation to member-only social gatherings.  Members receive a discount on all PPF events that require an entrance fee (e.g., opening night events).
  • Association with one of the region’s leading community theater companies
  • Voting member (board election at the annual meeting) and qualify as a potential board nominee

In addition:

  • Members are offered the chance to provide input on plays for season consideration.
  • Members are offered opportunities to provide input on PPF productions.

We believe PPF to be relatively unique among Washington area community theaters.  It places a premium on teamwork, learning and participation and a sense of community extending beyond just quality theatrical fare.

We are an award-winning company.   We are proud members of the Washington Area Theater Community Honors (WATCH) organization that adjudicates productions and presents annual awards recognizing artistic and technical excellence in Community Theater.  Since joining in 2004, we have been recognized with numerous WATCH nominations and a number of awards in a broad range of performance and stage craft categories.  PPF is a member and grant recipient of the ArtsFairfax, which promotes the arts in the Fairfax County area.

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We are a “big tent”- big enough to include first timers to theatrical endeavors and those with significant theater experience.  We welcome you into this community and look forward to your creativity, experience and talent.