
Important Update – January, 2019:  Membership is Getting an Overhaul

As we shared in August, we are giving membership an overhaul, and those changes take place on January 1st.  If you renewed your membership at the annual meeting (in June) or since, you are good for an entire year.  If you are not a current member, you will receive an email in the month of your anniversary asking you to renew your membership online.  As I know you will enjoy the many additional benefits we are adding, and continued association with this quality theater company, you will want to renew.  Now that it is online, it is fast and easy!  Here’s a quick summary of the changes that take effect:

  • Membership dues for individuals will increase from $10.00 to $25.00 per year – still a deal.  PPF has added a family membership for families of three or more – flat rate of $60.00 (so all members of the family are considered members).
  • Membership renewal will take place during the month in which you joined (no longer based on the season schedule or annual meeting date).
  • Members will receive a discount on all PPF events that require an entrance fee (e.g., opening night events).
  • Members will be offered opportunities to participate in workshops scheduled during the year (a new offering in 2019, and the schedule is already coming together).
  • Members will be offered the chance to provide input on plays for season consideration.
  • Members will be offered opportunities to provide input on PPF productions.

Starting in January 2019, members will begin to get a reminder to rejoin, and you can do it right on the PPF website.  Quick and easy.  No muss, no fuss.  If you think your membership is lapsed, you can even renew today.  Check it out!   Don’t remember?  Just send an email to, and we are happy to let you know whether your membership is current.

Here are some common questions:

  • If I renewed at the annual meeting, am I still a member? Yes, your membership is good until June, 2019.
  • If I renewed during a recent production in the current season (i.e. Lovers and Executioners or A Christmas Carol), am I still a member? Yes, your membership is good for one year and you will need to renew during your anniversary month (i.e. October for Lovers and Executioners and December for A Christmas Carol).
  • Do I have to remember which month I renewed? No, we will send you a reminder to renew in the month it is due.  So, no need to try and remember.  We will remember for you.
  • Can I still just pay at the annual meeting each year? Yes, of course.  That remains a wonderful option as we get to see and spend time with you at the annual meeting – which is loads of fun!

We are excited about the new benefits and additional attention on those who help make the PPF engine run – YOU!  Thank you for your support of our efforts – your time and talent – as it is why PPF has been so successful.

Gerry Connolly in “The Laramie Project”

Has your membership lapsed?  Its easy to renew!

New?  Join Us!

Become a donor!

We believe PPF to be relatively unique among Washington area community theaters.  It places a premium on teamwork, learning and participation and a sense of community extending beyond just quality theatrical fare.

We are an award-winning company.   We are proud members of the Washington Area Theater Community Honors (WATCH) organization that adjudicates productions and presents annual awards recognizing artistic and technical excellence in Community Theater.  Since joining in 2004, we have been recognized with numerous WATCH nominations and a number of awards in a broad range of performance and stage craft categories.  PPF is a member and grant recipient of the ArtsFairfax, which promotes the arts in the Fairfax County area.

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We are a “big tent”- big enough to include first timers to theatrical endeavors and those with significant theater experience.  We welcome you into this community and look forward to your creativity, experience and talent.