Volunteer Opportunities

Get Involved!

Ingrid David on the set of “All My Sons”

PPF is a volunteer-run organization.  On average, each production is supported by no fewer than 50 volunteers: producer, director, actors, set/light/costume designers, set construction, production crew, and house management volunteers.

To volunteer for PPF, you must become a member!  Then check out all the wonderful events planned for the upcoming season.

Production activities

Direct for PPF!
If you are a qualified director (have directed professionally or community theater productions in the area) and wish to be considered for a mainstage production, please read the Call for Directors information and submit the director interest form (word) or (pdf).  All qualified submissions will be considered in the selection process for the season, which begins in October.

Each year, PPF determines whether to be part of the NVTA one-act play festival in June of each year, a wonderful opportunity for aspiring directors and actors.  Ideas and submissions for one-acts you wish to direct can be made anytime and emailed to providenceplayers@cox.net.

Join a Production Team!
Have a talent!  PPF is always looking for good people who wish to help with props, costumes, makeup, lights, sets, set decoration or volunteer on the backstage crew.  If you have a skill and wish to help, please email providenceplayers@cox.net with your specific interest.

Join us for set build!
PPF is known for its award-winning sets.  Each production requires many hands to construct, paint and decorate the set.  Join us for on set build weekend.  Each weekend starts on Saturday and Sunday morning at 9am until complete.  For a specific schedule of set build weekends and other member events, check out our member event page.

Join us for auditions for mainstage and one-act play productions.  Check back regularly for announcements and updates.

Non-Production activities

Be a volunteer usher
Each production requires three to four volunteers to help patrons into the theater.  Ushers receive free admission to the specific production they volunteer and it’s a great way to support PPF and see a wonderful production.  To sign up to usher, please email us at providenceplayers@cox.net

Support marketing, PR, outreach or other support area
If you have a specific skill in an area that would help support PPF or its productions, please email providenceplayers@cox.net with your interest, idea or suggestion.  Thanks for supporting PPF!