Meet the Cast of the PPF Production of “California Suite” – On Stage June 1 – 16, 2018

Opening next week! On Stage Friday June 1 thru Saturday June 16, 2018, the Providence Players are proud to present the Neil Simon Comedy California Suite directed by Beth Whitehead. Tickets are selling quickly and your best seat selection is available online now. Purchase at the link below (never a service fee for online ticket purchases.
Providence Players California Suite

“If You’re in the Mood to Laugh,

You’ve Come to the Right Hotel”


Performance Dates and Times
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m.
June 1 – 16
Sunday Matinees 2:00 p.m
June 3 & 10

Ticket Information:
Tickets $20 Adults $17 Students/Seniors
All Seating is Reserved

Order Online (No Fee):
Reserve by Email:
Reserve by Phone: 703-425-6782


Let’s Meet the Cast of California Suite

Providence Players California Suite photo by Chip Gertzog Providence Players

Ia Ioannidou and Chris Persil are the visitors from New York in the Neil Simon comedy “California Suite”. Photo by Chip Gertzog Providence Players

Ia Ioannidou B&W

Ia Ioannidou (Hannah) is honored and thrilled to be making her debut at PPF! She is very thankful to Beth Whitehead for casting her! She fairly recently moved to VA and has previously performed in community theaters in Philadelphia. Some of her favorite roles include Virginia in Early One Evening at the Rainbow Bar & Grill, Miranda in Return Engagements, and The Housekeeper in The Perfect Wedding.  A native of Greece, Ia is a stay at home mom to two very active boys! She wants the crew behind the scenes to know how thankful she is for all they do!  Without them the show could not exist!  A special thanks goes to her husband for all his support in making this possible.

Q. Ia, why did you want to perform in Neil Simon’s “California Suite”?

Ia- I consider Neil Simon one of America’s greats!  What an honor to be part of one of his plays!

Q . If you could invite audiences to see “California Suite” what would you say to them?

This play is as relevant today as it was when it first was written.  It explores relationships in depth and it does this while having us laugh out loud!  It is a must see!!

Persil Headshot B&WChris Persil (Billy) is happy to be returning to PPF and equally happy to be working with director Beth Whitehead again. He was last seen as Mr. Pincus in The Front Page and last year as Gilmer in To Kill a Mockingbird. When he’s not acting, Chris is a mortgage loan officer for Freedom Bank Mortgage in Chantilly. Many thanks to Beth, Jaclyn, Noor, Amanda and the rest of the amazing crew. Thank you to Shelly, Emily and Jacqueline for all the love and support.

Q. Chris, why did you want to perform in Neil Simon’s “California Suite”?

Chris – It has been a long while since I’ve been in a Simon play, and he is one of the classic playwrights of his generation.  I think actors are inherently drawn to his plays because of the comedy.  I enjoy performing clever comedy and Simon plays are rife with great scenes.  Additionally, I’ve worked with director Beth Whitehead before, and I love her guidance and eloquent directing style. Put the two together, it was a no-brainer.


Providence Players California Suite Photo by Chip Gertzog Providence Players

Liz Mykietyn and David Wright in rehearsal for the Providence Players production of the Neil Simon Comedy “California Suite” on stage June 1 – June 16, 2018. Photo by Chip Gertzog, Providence Players

Dave Wright B&WDave Wright (Marvin) is very excited to make his PPF debut and to work with such a talented cast and crew. Previous credits include: Red, White & TunaThe Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged (WATCH-nominee), and Play it Again Sam (McCormick Goodhart Award-Best Actor) at LTA; The Great American Trailer Park MusicalNovember at DS; Rabbit Hole at WLT; Glengarry Glen RossBatboy: the Musical, and Cuckoo’s Nest at CCT; A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream and Picasso at the Lapin Agile at Vpstart Crow. Dave is also the creator/moderator of professional improv troupe Last Ham Standing, which performs regularly in Herndon and Purcellville. He would like to thank his wife Angey for her love and support and daughters Mackenzie, Emma & Madison, for teaching him the true meaning of unconditional love.

Q. Dave,  if you could invite audiences to see “California Suite” what would you say to them?

Dave – If you’re in the mood to laugh, you’ve come to the right hotel!

Wynter Chatman B&W2Wynter Chatman (Bunny) is proud to be a part of the talented ensemble cast of California Suite. You may have seen her last bringing the balcony on-stage during Moon Over Buffalo a few months ago. She is thrilled that she gets to work with two of her amazing directors from previous PPF productions: Beth Whitehead who directed Snow White and the Family Dwarf and Liz Mykietyn (Millie) who directed Wynter as Mrs. Clausington in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Besides acting, she has also assisted on PPF productions with costumes, props, and house. She would like to thank PPF for welcoming her with open arms into their wonderful theatre company.

Q. Wynter, why did you want to perform in Neil Simon’s “California Suite”?

Wynter- I enjoy the way Neil Simon depicts relationship crises with humanity and humor.

Q. Please tell us about your character?

Bunny is a “party girl” by profession but I think she still gets nervous when she has to do her job. That’s why she drank so much that night. She needed to steady her nerves or completely forget. 

Q.If you could invite audiences to see “California Suite” what would you say to them?

The show is filled with great performances and incredible direction fueled by humor and heart. 

Liz MyKietyn B&WLiz Mykietyn (Millie) is excited and thankful to be back on stage in Beth’s California Suite after manning the wings backstage in The Front Page. Liz joined PPF in 2005 with a lifetime of experience in acting, directing, writing, choreography and publicity. Favorite theater moments include directing Guys & Dolls and The Wizard of Oz (both with SP), acting as all-time favorite role Truvy in PPF’s Steel Magnolias, and winning a WATCH Best Director 2014 (PPF’s Rumors).  Lots of thank you hugs to family & friends with extra kisses to Nicolas. She dedicates this show in memory of Melisande

Q. Liz, please tell us about your character?

Liz – Poor Millie.  She is a loving wife and mom who doesn’t get much time alone with her husband whom she adores; never mind a cross country trip to Beverly Hills! For this trip to go “BAD” on her is sad.  Even though it’s for a family obligation, this vacation is important to their marriage and time away from kids and daily duties to basically rekindle or just even find original magic they had – it IS there somewhere.   It’s unfortunate what happens the night before she gets there though …

Q. If you could invite audiences to see “California Suite” what would you say to them?

Neil Simon has a gift in making his stories speak to everyone and because we can relate, we laugh and cry along with the characters.   It’s a simple formula that works over and over and his script entertains us repeatedly.  Come laugh with us.

Providence Players California Suite Photo by Chip Gertzog Providence Players

Alllen McRae and Janet Kohler Dueweke in rehearsal for the Neil Simon comedy “California Suite”. on stage from the Providence Players June 1 – June 16. Photo by Chip Gertzog, Providence Players

Allen McRae B&WAllen McRae (Sidney) is excited to be making his PPF debut. He just finished playing the role of Charles Condomine in Blithe Spirit with VTC. Other favorite shows in the area are Much Ado About Nothing and Middletown with NST, The Hamilton Murders with ST, Private Lives and Sleuth at FCT, and Colder Than Here and THIS at VTC. He can be seen in the indie films Project GordonKidney Beans, and The Thorn, The Music, The Flowers, and on the TV show Legends and Lies

Q. Allen, why did you want to perform in Neil Simon’s “California Suite”?

Allen – There’s always an appeal to being in a Neil Simon show.  Who wouldn’t like to be as witty and clever as his characters are?  But actually my desire to be in this show was more about being in a show with the Providence Players.  I’ve heard such good things about them and wanted to play.

Q. Please tell us about your character?

Sidney Nichols is an antiques dealer, married to Diana who is a successful actress.  They’re in California because she is up for an Academy Award, and they’re preparing to go to the ceremony.  He used to be an actor himself but gave it up for the antiques business.  They’re British, and much of the humor comes from their observations of California, and her anxiety about her Oscar nomination.  They’re a loving couple, but as the scene unfolds you discover something about their relationship that you’ll have to see the show to learn more about.

Q. If you could invite audiences to see “California Suite” what would you say to them?

Come learn more about the relationship between Sidney and Diana!   But also come for the laughs and the heart of all the scenes.  Neil Simon doesn’t just write funny lines – he uses them as ways to explore characters and relationships.  Makes for a fun night!

 Janet Kohler Dueweke B&WJanet Kohler Dueweke (Diana) is delighted to return for her second show with PPF, following her performance last spring as Maudie Atkinson in the PPF production of To Kill a Mockingbird.  Most recently, Janet has performed in LTA’s Showcase murder mystery, Left Foot, and as “Mrs. Stage Manager” and in Our Town with RCP.  In addition to her love of Theatre, Janet bakes her own bread, sews all her own clothes, and rinses out her garbage cans with bleach every spring. Janet dedicates this performance to her ever-patient and supportive husband, Dan.

Q. Janet, why did you want to perform in Neil Simon’s “California Suite”?

Janet – I was eager for an opportunity to perform again with Providence Players, and especially hopeful to earn the role of Diana Nichols in California Suite.  I had great fun playing in Plaza Suite (with Alliance Players) several years ago, but this Neil Simon play focuses specifically on the diverse dynamics among married couples, written with his great humor, spot-on dialog, and unique insights.  

Q. If you could invite audiences to see “California Suite” what would you say to them?

California Suite is a great, fun show for adult audiences.  It features four wonderful short plays in one terrific production.

Providence Players California Suite Photo by Chip Gertzog Providence Players

L to R; Mario Font, Laura Champe Mitchell, Lou Lehrman, and Allison Turkel in the PPF production of “California Suite”. Photo by Chip Gertzog, Providence Players

Lou Lehrman B&WLou Lehrman (Mort) returned to the stage this year for the first time in forty years.  He appeared as E.J Lofgren in Harvey earlier this winter with MCP. Before that, Lou trained for three years (2015-2017) at Washington D.C.’s Studio Theater Conservatory, with a focus on realistic drama, comedy, Shakespeare and Greek theater. He owes his reemergence in theater to the encouragement of his family – Marcia, Quinn and Ryan – and his dear friends who have served as a constant source of support since his decision to restart his acting career four years ago.

Q. Lou, please tell us about your character?

Lou – Mort likes to be center stage.  He likes to control the action and dominate things.  He has a volcanic temper which he uses to intimidate people.  He loves his wife and his friends, but often lets his temper undermine his relationships.

Q. If you could invite audiences to see “California Suite” what would you say to them?

The play is witty and incredibly funny!

Allison Turkel B&WAllison Turkel (Beth) last worked at PPF as Assistant Director for To Kill a Mockingbird, and played Gayle in Almost Maine and The Head Nun in The House of Blue Leaves. Her other theatre credits include Alexis in the Trojan Women Project at BST; Eliza in RAW and Mudman/Golem in Dry Bones Rising at VT; Mrs. Baker in Come Blow Your Horn and Mrs. Adams in J.B. at ACT; Nat in Rabbit Hole and Dinah in Dixie Swim Club at PTP; and Veronica Shultz at the HBP production of Five Lesbians Eating a Quiche. 

Q. Allison, please tell us about your character?

Allison – My character is Beth Hollander, I am married to Mort, whom I love but he can get on my nerves! I am sarcastic- fun loving-work hard – play hard type of woman. I am from Chicago and take great pride in that. 

Q. If you could invite audiences to see “California Suite” what would you say to them?

This is going to be a rollercoaster of a ride! Good script, excellent Director, designers and back stage team and you will definitely be entertained! 

Mario Font B&WMario Font (Stu) is pleased to be back at PPF; his last show here was The House of Blue Leaves. Other shows: August: Osage County (CRT), Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike (LTA), Peter and the Starcatcher (SMP), The Boys in the Band (DS), Jesus Christ Superstar (MCP), 33 Variations (SST and RCP), Spamalot (ZS), Arabian Nights (SSS), Love! Valour! Compassion (DS). Special thanks to the production team for this incredible experience.  Big shout out and love and hugs to his husband, Jason – his support and encouragement keep him going.

Q. Please tell us about your character?

Mario – Ahhh Stu. Classic example of a nice guy who consistently defers to others’ wishes if for nothing else to keep the peace.  But three weeks’ worth of 24×7 “giving in” has pushed him to the brink and we see a whole different side of him (that even he wasn’t aware of!)

Q. If you could invite audiences to see “California Suite” what would you say to them?

Come laugh and smile for a couple of hours; we all need a fun break from the world today.

Laura Champe Mitchell B&WLaura Champe Mitchell (Gert) is thrilled to be cast in California Suite, providing her with a welcome break from an arduous, little-known, one-woman production now in its 17th year, called “Marriage and Life with Kids.” By day, Laura is a serial entrepreneur and HR consultant, and by night she wrangles the ever-changing schedules and whims of her husband and two sons, each of whom she is extremely grateful to for holding down the fort so she can join this talented crew and cast. Past theater credits include Jeri Neal (Dixie Swim Club), Patricia (Extremities), Anne Scott (Filthy Rich).

Q. Laura, why did you want to perform in Neil Simon’s “California Suite”?

Laura – I wanted to be directed by Beth Whitehead. She was so finely tuned directing To Kill a Mockingbird that I was a tiny but jealous of my 9-year-old (who played Dill). 

Q. Please tell us about your character?

Gert is a sweetheart. She’s just a teensy bit self-absorbed, and more than a little high maintenance. Gert makes me think of the opening line of Gone with the Wind: “Scarlett O’Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm…” Gert is the belle of the ball, in her own eyes, and more importantly in her husband Stu’s. 

Q.  If you could invite audiences to see “California Suite” what would you say to them?

If you’re in a long-time relationship, or ever have been, you will find yourself in California Suite with sweet, affectionate recognition. Neil Simon paints couples true to life, and he hits all the familiar patterns and rhythms. 


The Providence players conclude their 20th anniversary season with the Neil Simon comedy, California Suite, Simon’s humorous confection in four separate comedy playlets with one common thread. Four couples from different cities travel to California over the course of a year and stay in the same Beverly Hills Hotel suite, bringing their problems, anxieties and comic marital dilemmas with them.

In “The Visitor From New York,” Hannah loves living in New York, while her ex-husband, Billy, loves L.A. Can two happily divorced parents raise their only daughter while living 3,000 miles apart? “The Visitor from Philadelphia” finds Marvin waking up in the suite with both a hangover and a young woman he doesn’t know beside him in bed, soon followed by the arrival of his wife. In “The Visitors from London,” actress Diana loses the Oscar to another woman and her husband to another man on the same night. And finally, four best friends are enjoying a dream vacation together in “The Visitors from Chicago” — until a highly competitive tennis match turns friend to enemy.

In California Suite, Simon is at his most humane and compassionate, and the banter flies fast and furious in this popular comedy. The New York Times said “Mr. Simon is writing at his ebullient best…[He] makes us laugh so effortlessly.”