Five Star Review and Audiences Love “Calendar Girls”! Tonight (Fri.) & Sat. Good Seats Available. Final Sun. Matinee Selling Quickly

With humor and grace, PPF has mounted an elegantly staged version of the hit British comedy “Calendar Girls” – Funny, touching and beautifully performed by an outstanding cast.

Providence Players’ Calendar Girls is an

Audience and Critical Hit!

Five Stars From DCMTA.

“Watching and enjoying Calendar Girls, I felt as if I were observing a group of best friends, and it was a thrill to watch it all unfold. [Author Tim] Firth’s script is witty and showcases an inspirational story, which [Director Michael] Donahue successfully brought to life. Funny and moving, Providence Players of Fairfax’s heartfelt Calendar Girls will make for a night to remember in the theater.” – Lauren Katz, DcMetroTheaterArts  Read the Full Review Here

Opening Weekend Audiences Loved – A Few Comments:

“What a fun fantastic show! We loved it!!”  “We saw this show on Saturday. Highly recommend it!!” “Dad and I thoroughly enjoyed the show!!! Awesome job!”

In this delightful comedy, based on the award winning, hit British film starring Helen Mirren and Julie Walters, Annie and her best friend Chris persuade their women friends of a “certain age” to pose for an alternative calendar to raise money for leukemia research. The calendar’s success attracts hordes of media, much fame and fortune but strains the friendships. Calendar Girls is a funny, uplifting, story of friendship, ingenuity and triumph. This cheeky international hit, based on the true story of 11 women who went “the Full Monty” for charity, now comes to the Providence Players stage at the James Lee Community Center Theater.

Season and Single Show Tickets on sale here: PPF ONLINE TICKETS 

 Check out our outstanding 2015-2016 season lineup here PPF 2015-2016 SEASON

Best seat selection available through online purchase but good seats will also be available at the door. PG13-Not for Young children

Providence Players Calendar Girls Photo By Chip Gertzog

Only Two Weeks Remain –  Three Shows this Weekend Including the final Sunday Matinee of the Run


At The James Lee Community Center Theater – 2855 Annandale Rd, Falls Church

Evenings – Thurs, Fri, and Sat at 7:30 PM  Oct 9,10,15,16,17

Final Sun Matinee 2:00 PM Oct 11 (Order soon – Selling Quickly)

Tickets Adults $20 Students and Seniors $17

Season Tickets – Your Best Value Adults-$53 Seniors/Students-$40
(12%-22% off single show price)


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